Restrict Direct Access to Magento 2 Controller URLs

In the vast world of Magento 2 development, a common challenge developers face is preventing direct access to specific URLs. Direct access can result in issues like the bulk generation of promo codes, leading to potential abuse of discounts and financial loss for the business. Additionally, automated scripts (bots) could repeatedly hit the URL, causing unnecessary load on the server.

In this blog, we’ll explore a seamless solution to this problem, ensuring that URLs are accessible only through Ajax requests.

If you don’t know how to create a controller, please check here


public function execute()
    $result = $this->jsonResultFactory->create();
    if ($this->getRequest()->isAjax()) {

    // Your AJAX specific code logic here

        $data = ['message' => 'Hello'];
        return $result;

    // If it's not an AJAX request, handle accordingly

    $data = ['error' => true, 'message' => __('Direct access is not allowed.')];
    return $result;

The above code guarantees that it will only run when the URL is accessed via Ajax requests. If accessed directly, it gracefully redirects to a “noroute” page, preventing any undesired consequences.

By implementing this strategy, Magento 2 developers can maintain control over URL access, ensuring a smooth and secure experience for both users and search engines. Happy coding!

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